How to keep your candidates pledge in check

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To Help You In Your Quest Researching Your Candidates Loyalty To Their Pledge

Here is one video and two articles of a-then-new Labour MP Zara Sultana exposing different layers of billionaires and big business corrupting our politicians.

She talks in unheard of details about how large corporations operate welcomed with open arms and unashamedly within of the corridors inside Parliament, writing “I see it in Parliament every day. There are countless receptions organised by big business, where senior public affairs managers get the ears of MPs and try to persuade them that changing this law or that”. She goes on to explain… “And there’s even a corridor of dining rooms in the House of Commons, where big businesses host private dinners for MPs. Over a glass of fine wine and an expensive meal, they cajole and plot.”

“And then there are free trips abroad. Big businesses and the super-rich frequently pay for MPs to travel the globe, often with little pretext except to have a jolly.” She reveals that their “wealth is used to buy influence in this House; to get this place to serve their interests and not the interests of our constituents.”

So let us conclude with this video and a nod to the reason why we have included ‘No Lobbyist Socials’ in The No Corruption Alliance pledge!